Shodo, Japanese art of calligraphy
Shodo is a Japanese art of calligraphy.
We use Fude when we do Shodo, which is a Japanese brush for writing.
Shodo ink is made by rubbing a stick of charcoal against an ink stone.
Shodo originates from China.
It came to Japan with Buddhism in the 6th to 7th centuries as the method of transcribing a sutra.
Nowadays, It is a common thing for parents to have their kids study Shodo.Because some parents think Shodo skills are a sign of sophistication.
My eldest daughter who is 16, is good at Shodo, due to learning it since she was 6 years old.
I had an opportunity to write my signature on her resume that she filled in. I felt embarrassed by my poor handwriting, compared with my daughter’s superior handwriting.
That’s why when I made the logo of this website “Yokohama Fuzei”, I asked her to write it in Shodo.