Noren, The measure to change the shop or room to be Japanese style atmosphere
What is Noren?
Noren is a traditional Japanese fabric which is hung at entrances of shops to keep out the sun and dust.
It has multiple slits for people to pass easier and decorated with the shop’s name and family crest.
It was installed in place of doors to allow customers to enter and exit easily.
What is “Noren-Wake”
There is a historical word which is related to Noren. It is a “Noren-wake”.
Noren is a symbol of shops and “Wake” means “separating” in Japanese.
So “Noren-wake” means separating shops for highly esteemed applentices or employees to have new branch shops.
They are permitted to use the same name and the same Noren. (Using same Noren as main shop means the shop sells the products or services that are authentic quality.)
The method named “Noren-wake” is similar to the recent franchise business system but owners of new shops don’t have to pay the main shop.
The present way of using Noren
Noren began to disappear as shop layouts became westernized.
However, some shops like Japanese-style restaurants still hang Noren to indicate that they are open for business.
They are also used in private homes as space dividers or decoration.
If you want your home to have a Japanese style atmosphere, it is nice to use Noren.
Especially if you want to separate 2 rooms without doors in-between, as we sometimes see in Japanese houses, you can use noren as a divider.
Noren is so convenient and it changes the atmosphere of the rooms to be chic Japanese style.
(If you are interested in buying beautiful Noren, please click the banner link below.)